5 You have exceeded the number of times you can use the Intellihance demo in a single session. To purchase a serial number, call Extensis at 1-800-796-9798.
6 You have exceeded the number of times you can use the Intellihance demo. To purchase a serial number, call Extensis at 1-800-796-9798.
7 You have exceeded the time limit for the Intellihance demo. To purchase a serial number, call Extensis at 1-800-796-9798.
8 Intellihance 3.0
600 Engineering: David Pfeiffer, Robert Craig Woldberg\n\n
605 Product Design: Craig Barnes, Diana Smedley, David Pfeiffer\n\n
606 Copyright 1997 DPA Software and Extensis Corp. Intellihance is a trademark of DPA Software. Intellihance contains trade secrets of DPA Software.
608 Extensis would like to thank our Beta Testers for all their hard work.
609 David would like to thanks the wonderful people at Extensis, his Engineering help, Craig and Eric and his wife Mary and his children.
616 Off
617 Auto Descreen
618 Newspaper
619 Magazine
620 Fine Art
622 Off
623 Soft
624 Normal
625 Snappy
626 Hard Contrast
627 Flatten Shadows
628 Flatten Highlights
631 Off
632 Deeper Shadows
633 Shadow Emphasis
634 Balanced Tone
635 Midtone Emphasis
636 Highlight Emphasis
639 Off
640 Low
641 Medium Low
642 Medium
643 Medium High
644 High
647 Off
648 Purify gray balance
649 Remove Cast
650 Aggressive Cast removal
653 Off
654 Soft
655 Medium Sharpness
656 Hard Sharpness
657 Extra Hard
660 Off
661 Overall
662 Dark Tones Only
663 Light Tones Only
666 Quick Enhance
667 Preferences
668 Fine Tune
669 Master
670 Red
671 Green
672 Blue
673 Cyan
674 Magenta
675 Yellow
676 Black
677 Lum
678 a
679 b
680 Saturation
681 Tone
682 Descreen
683 Sharpness
684 Despeckle
685 Cast
686 Saturation
689 %4.04f%%
690 Default
691 Last Used
692 untitled
694 You can not delete this Preference.
695 You can not save settings as 'Default' or 'Last Used'.
696 Are you sure you want to delete the current Preference?
697 You must have a setting selected before you can remove it.
698 Please Name the Preference:
699 You have made changes to this Preference Set, do you want to save them?
700 Intellihance 3.0
701 Do you wish to discard your Fine Tune Setting?
702 Intellihance cannot process an image with a preserved transparency layer. Please unprotect the layer and run the filter again. Intellihance will not modify the transparency layer.
703 Image is too small for Intellihance to process.
704 Cyan
705 Magenta
706 Yellow
707 a
708 b
709 There was a memory error creating the preview image, please free up more memory and restart Intellihance.
710 Memory Error: please free up more memory and restart Intellihance.
711 Pointer Struct Error: System will now crash and burn a firery death, you may want to kill Photoshop with the Task manager now.
2009 Switch between FineTune and Preferences
2010 Zoom Tool (Alt key for zoom out tool, double click for 100%)
2011 Hand Tool for scrolling through image (Alt key to switch to zoom tool, double click for fit-to-window)
2012 Descreen Preference for the elimination of halftone or dither patterns in a previously printed image
2013 Contrast Preference to set the standard for the contrast in your images
2014 Brightness Preference to set the standard for the midtone in your images
2015 Saturation Preference to set the standard for the saturation in your images
2016 Cast Preference to set the the aggressiveness of color cast removal
2017 Sharpness Preference to set the standard for the sharpness in your images
2018 Despeckle Preference to eliminate photograin and other types of noise from your images
2019 Save current Preference setup
2020 Delete currently displayed saved Preference setting
2021 Displays a list of saved Preference settings
2022 Select which dialog to display each time you launch Intellihance
2023 Click on an individual tab to bring the panel of choice to the front.
2024 Click Reset All to set All panels to initial Intellihance suggestions.
2025 Click Clear All to remove all Intellihance suggestions for All panels.
2026 Switch between FineTune and Preferences
2027 Click Clear to remove all Intellihance suggestions for the current panel
2028 Click Reset to set the current panel to initial Intellihance suggestions
2029 Sets the blend of the blurred image with the original image
2032 Sets the radius or width of blur filter
2034 Use this control to adjust black point, mid point and white point for your image
2036 The Light Meter tool allows you to pull out a selection area over your image for better midtone adjustment
2037 Use the eyedropper to pick up a pixel from your image that represents your desired black point
2038 Use the eyedropper to pick up a pixel from your image that represents your desired mid point
2039 Use the eyedropper to pick up a pixel from your image that represents your desired white point
2040 Use a pixel to set the saturation amount.
2041 Increases or decreases image saturation (100% preserves original saturation)
2043 Sets the black point, mid point and white point amount for this color
2044 Sets the red-green color balance
2047 Sets the black point, mid point and white point amount for this color
2048 Sets the yellow-blue color balance
2052 Sets the black point, mid point and white point amount for this color
2056 Use eyedropper to pick the pixel that you want to be neutral in the shadows
2057 Use eyedropper to pick the pixel that you want to be neutral in the midtone
2058 Use eyedropper to pick the pixel that you want to be neutral in the highlight
2060 Increases relative Sharpness of the image
2063 Sets Radius or width of sharpened edges
2065 Sets Threshold level at which sharpness begins and smoothness ends
2068 Sets Smoothness amount only when pixels are under the Threshold
2071 Sets Defintion or additional sharpness in the shadows and midtones
2074 Sets the blend of the original and despeckled image
2076 Sets the tone range where noise removal occurs
2079 Sets the threshold at which noise removal ends
2088 Current Zoom setting
2089 Preview area (use cntl+ and cntl- to zoom in and out) (Descreened images best viewed at 100%)
2090 Channel Choice menu
2111 Histogram (black is original image, red is enhanced image)
2117 Tone curve graph (represents the relationship between black point, mid point and white point)